Parallel Programming in .Net Framework 4.0

Today I start digging into Parallel Programming (Px2) in .NET framework 4.0. It appeals to my mind when I come across the BlackWasp and MS pattern & practices

Luckily I am familiar with C# Fundamentals, OOP and LINQ to Objects. Thanks for the comprehensive work with .NET related technology in the last 2 years and the good foundation in Java OOP. However, there are still many hidden areas that I need to learn before starting using Px2 such as Task Parallel Library and Language-integrated Query (PLINQ).

I am excited to learn about:

  1. History of Px2: why do we even need it?
  2. Principles of Px2: Decomposition (Data decomposition, Task decomposition)
  3. Common Px2 Problems: Synchronization, Race Conditions, Blocking, Deadlocking
  4. Px2 in .NET 4.0: Task Parallel Library, Parallel LINQ

Let the journey begin …
