Resilience for everyone


When faced with adversity in life, how does a person cope or adapt? Why do some people seem to bounce back from tragic events or loss much more quickly than others? Why do some people seem to get “stuck” in a point in their life, without the ability to move forward?

The keyword is resiliency.

In definition, resilience is capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and toughness. In other words, resilience is how well a person can adapt to the events in their life when faced with a tragedy, health issue, broken relationship, high stressful work or school problem. The better resilience a person has, the more quickly and less stress he or she can bounce back.

Resilience is inner strength inside everyone. It’s just a question of how much and how well it could be extracted to good use in one’s life. The person with good resilience would feel the intensity of an event or problem same as others. The difference is that he might found a pretty good way of dealing with it more quickly than others.

Being resilient is a critical skill and it could be built over time with patience and training. Following tips are advised by experts in the fields

  • Having a positive view of yourself (self-image) and confidence in your strengths and abilities (self-knowledge).
  • Being able to regularly make realistic plans, and then being able to regularly carry out your plans.
  • Being able to effectively and in a healthy manner manage your feelings and impulses.
  • Having really good communication skills (or you’re actively working to improve them).
  • Having really good problem solving skills (or you’re actively working to improve them).

Building better resilience takes time, effort, commitment, and focus. It will not just happen to you overnight, and it won’t just happen to you if read a book about resilience, or begin work with a therapist. It’s a process that will take months to learn and master.

What next ?
In next related topic to resilience, we will explore on the correlation between resilience to other enduring activities like long distance running, good parenting, personal growth and personal finance.