ReactJS: A novice ideal

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I want to pickup ReactJS fast. Why? Because re-usability and clean code is always my highest priority. I may not really honest. It’s the front-end web development that I am interested in which come down into a few choice: AngularJS, ReactJS and EmberJS.

In previous months, I have been cracking AngularJS 1.x version, not Angular 2+. It’s simply choice of someone made that I have to follow with the wind. It is what it is. I found AngularJS quite interesting and challenge that is pretty lack of re-use stuffs. I ended up built all directives and components for reuse for the views. After going through all the hard work, I found that it would be done much easier if I would have chosen ReactJS for the same usage.

Let’s cut the chase. It’s time now to start the series of master ReactJS. Hope I would document the key concept as well as demonstrate the ability to pick up the language as fast as I could in my own personal time of course. It means I could only spend 1-2 hours per night coding and writing notes. Probably, it is more useful to update the progress by weekly.

I am thinking of a series that creating something useful e.g. reusable components that could be use with minimal customization that demonstrate the key concepts of the technology. Surely I will keep some update in coming few days.

Until we meet again, write clean code shall we.
