ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview

ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview by Steven Sanderson is a short and sweet book that I strongly recommend you to read as a kick-off to explore on ASP.NET MVC. I had a good time reading through the whole book and do a little practice with ASP.NET MVC tutorial. Moreover, the book is not heavy on technical and terminology so that it is easier to digest.

Here is a outline diagram that I created before jumping into the content.

Keep learning and sharing !


ASP.NET MVC: a new beginning

I have worked quite familiar with MVC architecture back to old time when I was Java Developer. I still remembered all the nightmare of debugging mysterious-thousand-lines java servlet code and ‘thick’ UI logic JSP that was seriously violating separation of concern principle. And it was in history when I switched to replace it all with Struts MVC. It was only the matter of applying right technology or framework for the job that significantly increase the overall productivity, I believe.

Nowadays I have been working more with .NET technologies from front-end (Silverlight, WPF) to back-end (RIA Service, WCF, ASP.NET). However, it is such  a surprise that I haven’t done much thing via ASP.NET MVC, even it is one of the item in my long to-do list.
The curiosity again force me to set ASP.NET MVC be a high priority item that I want to explore immediately. So, I decide to spend this weekends working on it.

Here is some good books I will kick of with:
1. ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview
2. ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Quickly
3. Programing Microsoft ASP.NET MVC2 using VS2010

It should be more than enough for me this weekends.


MSSQLServer Login failed error 18456

Today I tried to do a fresh installation of MSSQLServer 2008 RC2. Things went smoothly through the whole process of setup. I have set my login as Window Authentication mode, and specified my username same as my network authentication. I have logged-in successfully.

However, when I tried to continue my work on updating the RIA Entities Model to sync the changes with the local database, I got an annoying error message that said “LOGIN FAILED. ERROR 18456″(1). What possibly went wrong?

I have checked there was nothing wrong with the authentication information used in ConnString by Model.edmx. And I tried to login to Microsoft SQL Management Studio via that authentication, I got the same failed error message. Well, that must be something wrong with the nature of Authentication I believed (2).

Yes, it is. It took me few trials and failures to realize that it’s all because of the SQL Server Database Engine is set to Windows Authentication Mode. That obviously failed any other SQL Server Authentication Model, which I used to setup in the ConnString consumed by my Model.edmx. All I need to do is just change Server Authentication Mode to SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode. I went back to test with my Model update and it worked fine.

For details, it’s the steps.


.NET Framework fundamental thought

Previously, I was just an ordinary Java Developer with passion to build everything from craft. Moreover, I preferred to use Notepad to produce code whenever I got bored with Eclipse IDE or NetBean IDE. However, thing has changed as a part of life when I decided to explore more on Microsoft .NET.  Certainly, I’d love to admit the benefit that .NET framework and Visual Studio IDE bring to my development life is very crucial.

My .NET development experience started just a few months after .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 was released. It means I just adopted in the middle stage of .NET technology without a very fully understanding of its very own history, driven factors and so on. For recent 2 years, I have been involved more into Silverlight and RIA Services WCF instead of ordinary .NET C#, so the hole of fundamental understanding on .NET is getting wider especially when I am busy with pursuing new released exciting features which requires minimal understanding but optimal practicing.

Here I am ‘learning’ the fundamental .NET framework. As mentioned in various documents, .NET Framework retains features form the previous versions and add new features, in which Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the key component of each .NET framework version.

Technology has been changed rapidly and we are keeping ourselves to continuously be in the motion. It’s cool to adopt the latest technology and to explore the new features. However, it is obviously impossible to make use of it all effectively without a fundamental understanding.

